1.5.2 Conversation Corner (Migrated NLS Project Blog Post)

It is important to us that our exhibition move beyond display and include interactive elements. We had spoken in our October 2 nd class with Jen Ross and Mairi Lafferty about the difference between restricted interaction (still curated by the institution) and full interaction (organic and unplanned), as well as the ethics of co-creation and co-production with an audience while still respecting the hard work of research staff. Our goal is to have a fully interactive portion of the exhibition, with the secondary function of broadening inclusivity by involving a diverse group of women across the spectrums of race, sexuality, and the job sector. The NLS’s collection sprang from the Advocate’s Library, collected over centuries by and for a white affluent male audience. As such, we have been struggling to find authentic female voices, and to find diversity within those, and see this as a good way to off-set that. Our original idea was to hold external events at a separate s...